Thursday, December 26, 2013

WIP Imperial Fists

So it's been forever since my last post but I figured out I would throw up some photos of some work in progress imperial fists I am doing as a commission.

So far it's coming along pretty well but still needs some final touchups and the insignia.
I will take some photos of the 6 centurions already done and the captain I am working on as well.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Colonial GT Sisters- What do you guys think?

2000 Pts - Sisters of Battle RosterTotal Roster Cost: 1999

This list is pretty close to the one I took to the qualifier event where I lost at the top table. Out of 5 missions the event only has one KP and one Relic, which are the missions I tend to struggle on. A lot of people say I should drop sister squads but I find having 4-5 units provides me with so many options in the game and having 9 total meltas(including the immolator) and 9 flamers (4 hand flamers and one heavy flamer from St. Celestine) gives me options to deal with armor or infantry.

My largest concerns are facing the double or triple helldrake lists. I have very little to shoot them down with and once they pop my rhinos it will be 2-3 squads dead a turn assuming im failing my 6++. Flamers and screamers are also very difficult for this list(what list aren't they) but my goal would be to just focus down troops. Any suggestions, comments, thoughts???

HQ: Saint Celestine (1#, 115 pts)
   1 Saint Celestine, 115 pts

Troops: Battle Sister Squad (11#, 191 pts)
   9 Battle Sister Squad, 140 pts = 9 * 12 (base cost 12) + Meltagun x2 20 + Sister Superior 17
      1 Sister Superior, 5 pts = (base cost 0 + Melta Bombs 5)
      1 Rhino, 41 pts = (base cost 35 + Searchlight 1 + Dozer Blade 5)

Troops: Battle Sister Squad (11#, 191 pts)
   9 Battle Sister Squad, 140 pts = 9 * 12 (base cost 12) + Meltagun x2 20 + Sister Superior 17
      1 Sister Superior, 5 pts = (base cost 0 + Melta Bombs 5)
      1 Rhino, 41 pts = (base cost 35 + Searchlight 1 + Dozer Blade 5)

Troops: Battle Sister Squad (11#, 181 pts)
   9 Battle Sister Squad, 130 pts = 9 * 12 (base cost 12) + Flamer x2 10 + Sister Superior 17
      1 Sister Superior, 5 pts = (base cost 0 + Melta Bombs 5)
      1 Rhino, 41 pts = (base cost 35 + Searchlight 1 + Dozer Blade 5)

Troops: Battle Sister Squad (11#, 181 pts)
   9 Battle Sister Squad, 130 pts = 9 * 12 (base cost 12) + Flamer x2 10 + Sister Superior 17
      1 Sister Superior, 5 pts = (base cost 0 + Melta Bombs 5)
      1 Rhino, 41 pts = (base cost 35 + Searchlight 1 + Dozer Blade 5)

Troops: Battle Sister Squad (10#, 145 pts)
   9 Battle Sister Squad, 140 pts = 9 * 12 (base cost 12) + Meltagun x2 20 + Sister Superior 12

Fast Attack: Dominion Squad (6#, 180 pts)
   4 Dominion Squad, 90 pts = 4 * 13 (base cost 13) + Meltagun x2 20 + Dominion Superior 23
      1 Dominion Superior, 5 pts = (base cost 0 + Melta Bombs 5)
      1 Immolator, 85 pts = (base cost 65 + Dozer Blade 5 + Twin-Linked Multi-melta 15)

Fast Attack: Seraphim Squad (8#, 180 pts)
   7 Seraphim Squad, 165 pts = 7 * 15 (base cost 15) + Two Hand Flamers x2 40 + Seraphim Superior 35
      1 Seraphim Superior, 15 pts = (base cost 0 + Melta Bombs 5 + Power Sword 10)

Fast Attack: Seraphim Squad (8#, 180 pts)
   7 Seraphim Squad, 165 pts = 7 * 15 (base cost 15) + Two Hand Flamers x2 40 + Seraphim Superior 35
      1 Seraphim Superior, 15 pts = (base cost 0 + Melta Bombs 5 + Power Sword 10)

Heavy Support: Exorcist (1#, 135 pts)
   1 Exorcist, 135 pts

Heavy Support: Exorcist (1#, 135 pts)
   1 Exorcist, 135 pts

Heavy Support: Retributor Squad (5#, 85 pts)
   4 Retributor Squad, 80 pts = 4 * 12 (base cost 12) + Heavy Bolter x4 20 + Retributor Superior 12

Aegis Defence Lines (2#, 100 pts)
   1 Aegis Defence Lines, 50 pts
      1 Gun Emplacement, 50 pts = (base cost 0 + Quad-gun 50)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sisters of Battle

So this past weekend I used this list at a 2k Colonial GT qualifier and it served me fairly well, however I dont see it being able to beat the current Daemon Meta. I also see this list having a tough time against anything that can block my ability to move(i experienced this in my final game at the top table vs a Daemon Chariot(9 of those big bases is a pain!)/Screamer/Flamer spam.

Any suggestions on changes? I think I may try out some combi-flamers on all the superiors and possibly ally in marines for null zone and a scout squad or something i can use to get an outflanking or quick linebreaker point.

(i have exluded points because i dont have my list on hand so a few things may be a little off)


St. Celestine


3x Battle Sisters(10) in Rhino w/ dozer & light(on 2 rhinos). 2 meltas and melta bombs on superior

Battle Sisters(10) in Rhino w/ dozer. 2 flamers and melta bomb on superior

Battle Sisters(10) w/ 2 flamers and melta bomb superior

Fast Attack

2x Seraphim squad (8) with 2 flamer pistols and superior with melta bomb and power sword

Dominion Squad(5) with 2 meltas and superior with bombs. Immolator w/ multi-melta

Heavy Support

2x Piano Tanks

1xRet Squad(5) with 4 Heavy Bolters

Aegis D Line w/ quadgun.

The list worked out well in the tournament for the most part. I was able to get max points game one vs. black templar. Game 2 was closer as it was against a Daemon player but his list was not the Meta Screamer/flamer spam list. It was a great game that saw me winning in the end. Game 3 was at the top table vs. a very competitive player using 9 chariots, 18 screamers and 18 flamers(those numbers might be a bit off) and then 2 small horror squads along side 3 plaguebearer squads.

I feel like the list was at its strongest with the open board as I can control fairly well with the mobility it offers. I find that my rhinos rarely die turn 1 which allows me to get into good position. The seraphim normally do their job and get their points back or at least take all the fire and get their points that way.

Celestine is worth her points and more so I cant complain there.

I just have very little counter to fast assault units like screamers and wraiths. With wraiths at least I have a TON of metla and st8 shots i can unload + all the bolter shots. I think the two hardests list for this build right now would be wraithwing with three barges and the obvious daemon lists.

What do you guys think? Am I missing something obvious to help deal with those types of lists? What would you do to lower this to the 1850 point level?