Here are some photos and a recap from a recent 2000 point game with my Adepta/IG vs Orks.
A quick overview of the lists
* Ministorum Priest
Book of Saint Lucius
* Ministorum Priestx3
* Canoness
Boltgun, Cloak of St. Aspira, Melta Bombs, Rosarius
* Sororitas Command Squad
4x Flamer, Hospitaller
* Immolator (
Dozer Blade,Twin-linked Multi-melta
* Saint Celestine
* Battle Sister Squadx2
9x Battle Sister, 2x melta gun)
* Rhino w/ Dozer Blade
* Battle Sister Squad (173pts)
9x Battle Sister, Heavy Flamerx2
* Rhino w /Dozer Blade
Heavy Support
* Exorcist
* Retributor Squad
4x Heavy Bolter
* Primaris Psyker
Enfebal and one other(never used it)
* Guardsmen Marbo
* Infantry Platoon
* Infantry Squad w/ power axe and plasma gun x4
* naked command squad
Fast Attack
* Vendetta Gunship
Heavy Support
* Avenger Strike Fighter (FW)
weird boy
Big mek with shock attack gun
Boyz x20 with nob, boss pole, and klaw x2
Gretchin x3
Nobs with painboy some klaws (6 or 7 maybe)
Lootas x12
Fast Attack
Biker boyz x12
Deffdread with rokkits
Battle wagon with rolla
3 Kannons
My opponent won the roll off and elected to let me to go first. Considering I don't have a ton of shooting it wasn't the worst choice. You can see how we deployed(after his scout move with koptas)
The mission was big guns with dawn of war deployment. We rolled 5 objectives and I was able to place 3. Because I knew my troops were more mobile and I had an exorcist i could throw in the far corner I spread all my objectives across my table with my middle objective behind the LOS blocking hill.
I left one melta Sisters squad in reserve as there was no reason risking them to Kannon fire or lootas.
I deployed the blob in the center because with enfebel they should be able to handle most of the stuff he throws at them. To the right I hide my one rhino in the ruins where he can't see it and leave the heavy bolters and command squad in the ruins to get their 4+ but still shoot away. I then deployed my flamer squad near the exorcist to help hold that side of the board. ( the rhino near exorcist is actually on the hill but it kept falling)
He deploys his lootas in the ruins as expected and chooses to outflank his boys with his warlord weirdboy (he got that trait). He infiltrated the koptas which I don't think they have but I covered the board so it was the same as him scouting so no worries there and I didn't say anything as he had to stay 18 inches away anyway. He deploys the kannond and nobs with the big mek in the back corner to the right. I think keeping the nobs back and without a transport wasn't the best choice and he should have deployed them in the wagon instead but he filled that with bloodthirsty boyz. Next the the battlewagon he deployed his large squad of 12 bikers.

Turn 1-
I Enfebal the koptas to the right who were just within range. I then stupidly fly Celestine fwd and move the blob up into the terrain. About 20 of the 40 models can see his koptas and after all my shooting with heavy bolters, Celestine , and the blob they are dead and I have first blood. I shoot his wagon with my exorcist but fail to pen or glance.
In my opponents turn he moves his remaining Kopta unit to threaten the exorcist and the rest of his army minus the nobs, lootas, and kannons shoot fwd. After all his shooting Celistine is dead along with my immolater carrying the command squad.
Turn 1 could have been worse but we both rolled pretty terrible outside him getting a st10 shot from the big mek.

Turn 2
I get my vendetta and one sisters squad in and Celistine passes her act of faith test and returns to action moving close to the lootas to get rid of them. I decide to bring in the sister squad right behind the blob to help control my center objective. I attempt to enfeble the bikers and fail my test. My sister squad with flamers on the left pushes fwd to flame off the Koptas and I end up killing all but 2. I shoot the exorcist at the side of his battle wagon and get 6 shots with 4 pens and my opponent decides to roll four 4 ups forcing me to shoot the vendetta at its side and wreck it. He rest of my army shoots at his bike squad only killing 4 models and he passes his ld test and I kill a few of the 20 man boy squad. I also flame off 6 or 7 lootas with Celestine and force them to run and eventually kill them in assault.
On Orks turn he gets only 1 Gretchin squad in from reserves and moves them in the ruins next to Celistine who he will most likely kill with his deff dread. He moves fwd to assault my blob with the boys and bikers. His big mek gets a st6 shot and instana kills my warlord canonnes after I make a bunch of 6++ with regular command unit sisters but fail my reroll save on her and she bites the dust with a blast to the face. He declares his assaults and Celestine gets a Deffdread klaw that her holy armor can't handle and she is insta killed. As for the blob squad he declares the boys assault first and overwatch kills 4 and he fails the assault. His bikes make it in killing 7 of my blog and I end up killing 5 bikes. I'm fearless because of my priest in the squad and he realizes now that the bikes are going to die on my turn.

I get the avenger strike fighter in but no Marbo, which is ashame considering his blast could have killed the whole nob squad which was grouped up in the back corner. I shoot most of my army into his deff dread trying to get a few extra
points from heavy support. I end up getting 5 glances and 4 pens after shooting the strike fighter, Vandetta, and heavy bolters with rending Annndddd only take off 1 hull point as he made all but 1 5+ cover save.
At this point even though it's only turn 3 we can tell that it's not looking good for him. I have all my troops left with 2 heavy support to sit on objectives as well. I get my sisters out of the transport to sit on objectives and prep for his outflanking boyz. My flamer sisters end up taking out 1 of the 2 remaining koptas and he passes his ld with 1 wound left on the last kopta. In assault I kill all his bikers and leave the nob with a single wound. He fails his ld and I run him down.
He. Outflanks to my right and ends up forcing my heavy bolters to run but they only go 3 inches and auto regroup because of the book of st Lucia which is within 12 inches. His big mek and nobs split up but at this point it's too late and he realizes he won't be able to get across the board I'm time with all the bolter shots and flyer cannons coming his way.
The game ends after turn three because we decide to call it. With me having Marbo coming in next turn and all my troops largely in tact with no real way for him to take down my flyers we see how it's going to end.
At the time of calling the game I have first blood, 3 objectives, and 2 points from big guns. My opponent has 1 for warlord and 1 objective.
It was a fun game playing orcs and a wacky Ork list at that.