Friday, April 27, 2012

NOVA here we come! I know its awhile away but the studio is going to be starting a new necron army for he tournament. I will be posting progress pics as the army starts getting built. First we have to wrap up the Seer Council (will be done tomorrow if all goes to plan) and the Vypers. We also have a large Raven Guard army addition we will be working on so photos of that should be coming up as the work gets completed.

If anyone is interested in coming out to NOVA on 8/30 (we are all leaving thursday night) please feel free to post or msg us on the facebook page. Anyone that comes with the group will be getting a free OTS shirt if they agree to wear it on the tournament days.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Check out the most recent project completed by our own painter John M.  He did a really great job on this Dark Eldar Battleforce. The army is for sale so feel free to email us at for a price if you are interested.

Thanks for checking us out!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Mini- MegaBattle

Hey everyone! So yesterday OTS partnered with Warhammer 40k NJ/NY (who we normally team up with) and ran a "mini-megabattle". The event rules were pretty basic with a few cool twists...
 Deployment was 6 inch no mans land.
Each player was required to bring a 1,000 point list and  in return received a free HQ(no matter how many points he/she cost)

Special rules: Each player can choose to regenerate (bring a dead unit back) a single troop unit (had to be scoring and infantry)...these models came back w/ out transports they were in and had to walk on from the players table edge.

HQ- Each players free HQ  kept track of KP and if you managed to kill another free(super) HQ you stole their KP and added them to your selected HQ's total.

The game was scored by 4 objectives(1 point each) and a center HQ objective(2points) all of which were scored at the end of your opponents turn.

The game started out with Orks, two eldar, and Death Guard on one side and Crimson Fists, Deathwing, Blood Angels, and Tyranids on the other.

It was a very interesting game with some funny situations,  but due to the game starting late it only ended up going 4 turns with the Xenos side pulling out the victory by 4 points and super HQ's going to Thraka who managed to get 2 KP.

The Deathguard, Tyranids, and Crimson Fists all had poor rolls and the double eldrad proved to be quite difficult to overcome. Having so many doomed units being shot at by so many guided units was a tough feet to overcome.

All in all it was a fun time had by most people and we look forward to having another casual event

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I figured an update of what we have been doing is in order...

We just got a new 2k+ Tyranid army trade in which will be up for sale shortly. The army looks awesome and should be a blast to play with.

I have been working on an 8 man seer council along with 6 Eldar Vypers which are addons to the old eldar army we completed.

We just got a large order to add on some space marine (Raven Guard) stuff which will be for 2 razorback/rhinos, 2 pods, 2 tac squads, 1 custom sternguard squad, 2 missle dev squads, 1 IronC dreadnought, 2 speeders, Pedro (the man) Kantor, Shrike, and a Librarian w/ custom S/S. WIP pics will follow.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


So to start I figured I would give everyone who doesn’t already know a little background on what OTS is all about and our history. My name is Stephen and I started painting Warhammer40k mini’s when I was about 13…I took a long break and came back to the hobby around 11 years later and fell in love with it all over again which lead to the creation of OTS in 2010.  We work closely with the local gaming store, Gamer’s Gambit, and enjoy hosting a variety of tournaments. We most commonly work with Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40k, Warmachine/Hordes, and Flames of War  but we love models in general, so if you have models not listed in the above games please email us for a custom quote. If you have a model, unit, or army that needs painting, send us a quote request at

Also please check out our facebook page and our youtube channel

More posts and updates to come!